Anil Ananthaswamy Anil Ananthaswamy

The Conceptual Simplicity of Machine Learning

Machine Learning, once you grok it, is conceptually simple. But it hardly seems so when you begin, especially if you were once a software engineer—as I was—who worked on non-ML code. My first encounters with ML were confusing at best. It took the writing of WHY MACHINES LEARN for me to see its conceptual simplicity (even if the details can be extremely gnarly). Here’s ML distilled into key concepts:

  1. First, a machine learning (ML) model—like any other piece of software—turns an input into some desired output. The main difference between non-ML software and machine learning is that traditional software transforms the input into the desired output using algorithms designed and implemented by a programmer, but machine learning examines patterns in training data and learns the algorithm to do the transformation. The key words here are: learning, patterns and training data.

  2. This transformation—no matter how complicated—can be thought of as an outcome of providing an input to a function f (), which produces an output. So, x = f (y). Note that x and y are both vectors (they can be, of course, simply scalars, but using vectors makes it more general). So, the function f () transforms some input vector into the desired output vector. But how do you learn the requisite function f ()?

  3. That’s where data comes in. If you have enough examples of the mapping between some instance of x to the desired instance of y, i.e. you have enough (x, y) pairs, you can feed this “training data” to an ML algorithm, which will then learn the best possible f () to transform inputs to outputs. But what does training mean?

  4. This is the beginning of machine learning. Humans have to create the training data, those (x, y) pairs. Then, given an x, your ML model (just think of it as some black box with parameters you can tune or tweak) will take x as input, and produce some output y*, based on the current value of the model parameters. But you know the output should be y. You calculate the loss, based on the discrepancy between the expected value y and the predicted value y*. The loss depends on the mode parameters. Tweak each parameter ever-so-slightly so that the model’s loss, given the same input, will be a little less than before. If you do this over-and-over again for every instance of training data, and reach an overall loss that’s zero or acceptably low, you’ll have a model that now approximates the desired function f (), which will transform any x that wasn’t in the training data into the appropriate y, assuming that the new x hews to the statistics of the training data).

  5. What can such a function f () accomplish? Depends on the task at hand. Let’s say you simply want to find a way to classify 100 x 100 images. Your training data has two sets of images: of cats and of dogs. Humans have labeled them as such. If you turn each image into a vector (by laying out the pixel values end-to-end, so into a 10,000-element vector), then you have the requisite (x, y) pairs, where x is the vectorized image, and y is the label (say, 0 for cat and 1 for dog). Now, the task of the ML algorithm is to find the function f () that represents the boundary between the two types of data (assuming that such a boundary exists), such that if you give the function a vectorized image of a cat, it should produce a 0 and a 1 if the image is that of a dog. Such an ML algorithm can be used to tell apart types of data (there can be more than one type), and the method is called discriminative learning.

  6. This brings us to another key issue in ML algorithms. Is the boundary we just discussed linear (meaning, a straight line in 2D, or a plane in 3D, or a hyperplane in higher dimensions) or non-linear? Many ML algorithms are designed to find linear boundaries (such as the perceptron algorithm or even vanilla support vector machines). But sometime data is not linearly separable. In which case, you can use algorithms such as the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) rule, or the Naïve Bayes classifier, to find a non-linear boundary. Or if you are feeling more adventurous, you can use a kernel method to project the data into higher dimensions, use a linear classifier such as an SVM in the higher dimension to find a linear boundary, and project back to lower dimensions, where the boundary becomes non-linear.

  7. Sometimes such a function f () is not used to discriminate, but to optimally fit a collection of data points, a process called regression. You still use the (x, y) pairs, but this time you are learning how to predict y, given x. Once you learn the f (), then given some new x, you can predict y. The regression can be linear or non-linear.

  8. What if you want to do more than tell apart data? Say, you want to generate new data that statistically resembles the training data. That’s where generative learning comes in. In this case, the function f () you learn is an estimate of the probability distribution over data. Imagine your data spread out on the x-y plane and a 3D surface above that data that captures the probability distribution over data. Such a surface will have peaks/bumps over regions where the data is more likely and valleys where it’s less likely. (Of course, in reality the data is going to very high dimensional and the surface that models the probability distribution is going to be in one higher dimension.) But once you have learned an estimate of the distribution over data, given enough data, what do you do with it?

  9. Well, you can use it to tell apart different kinds of data: so, you can leverage it for discriminative tasks. But the more interesting use is data generation. If you can sample from the distribution (not an easy task), then—in our toy example—it’s akin to finding a point on your 3D surface, projecting down to the x-y plane and figuring out the properties of the data instance that’s underneath (in actuality, all this would be happening in very high dimensions). But if you could do it, you’d have an instance of data that looks very much like the data on which the ML model was trained.

  10. Generative AI comes down to these two (sometimes very difficult) tasks: 1) learn or estimate the probability distribution over the training data, and 2) sample from that distribution to get at the underlying data. In the case deep learning, the f () you learn could involve the entire process of estimating the distribution and sampling from it. It might beggar belief, but even the most complex AIs out there—large language models and diffusion models such as DALL-E—can be understood by thinking in these terms. Again, the details of the implementations and models can be extremely complicated, but that doesn’t detract from making sense of ML/AI using these broad-brush strokes.

  11. Let’s take DALL-E. It’s an image generation “diffusion model” that’s trained on oodles and oodles of images. The process involves transforming an image, tiny step by tiny step (by adding a smidgen of Gaussian noise at each step) into a noisy, but simple image that resembles a sample from some Gaussian distribution—a process called diffusion. You train a deep neural network to reverse this process: go back from the simple image to the complex image, step-by-step. Once you have a trained an AI to do this for every image in your training data, you are good to go. Now, if you want to generate a new image, you first sample from the simple Gaussian distribution to get a noisy image (which is easy to do), and then run the diffusion process in reverse. You get back a sample from the complex distribution over images: it would be an image that resembles the training data.

  12. What about Large Language Models (LLMs)? Again, the birds-eye view of an LLM is that it learns how to estimate the conditional probability distribution over its entire vocabulary of words (well, tokens, but let’s stick with words). Let’s say you take a trained LLM and give it 100 words. Assume it has a vocabulary of 1,000 words. Basically, what the LLM does is to calculate the conditional probability distribution over its entire vocabulary for the next word, given the input of 100 words. Once it has the distribution, it can sample from it, to figure out the most likely next word. It appends that to the 100 words, to create an input of 101 words, and repeats the process. It now has 102 words, and it keeps doing this until it, say, generates some end-of-text symbol. Very simply, during training the LLM learns to estimate the correct conditional probability distribution over its entire vocabulary given some input text, and sample from it! And that leads to the amazing behavior that we see from large language models.

  13. A not-so-small aside: We talked of (x, y) pairs used for training data. In the early days of AI, these (x, y) pairs were created by humans by painstakingly labeling the training data. That’s not the case for modern generative AI. Rather, one can take some x, and use it to construct some y. For example, you can take a sentence, mask the last word of the sentence, and ask an LLM to learn to predict the masked word. So, x is the masked sentence and y is the masked word. If you took text from the internet, you’d have billions and billions of such (x, y) pairs. This can be automated without human intervention. Or, you can take an image and mask, say, 25% of the pixels and teach the neural network to predict the entire image. In this case, x is the masked image and y is the unmasked image. If humans create labeled (x, y) pairs and train an ML model, the technique is called supervised learning. If you automate the process of creating (x, y) pairs from data, it’s called self-supervised learning.

FOR MORE, please see the links to the book, WHY MACHINES LEARN: US Edition UK Edition

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Anil Ananthaswamy Anil Ananthaswamy

LLM Prompts for Learning About Hopfield Networks

Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach

John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton won the 2024 Nobel Prize for physics. There has been a lot of debate about whether their work counts as physics. I’m biased: I think it does. WHY MACHINES LEARN has an entire chapter describing the physics rationale for Hopfield networks. The chapter is titled: “With A Little Help from Physics”!

This blog post is about using a large language model (I used Claude 3.5 Sonnet) to generate code and help us learn about the inner workings of Hopfield networks. I’m only showing the prompts and the outputs of running the code here. Your mileage will vary depending on the LLM/Code Assistant you use, but this should give you a good idea of how to go about coding a Hopfield network. Here’s a brief intro (more details of how they work, i.e. the algorithm, can be found in Ch8 of WHY MACHINES LEARN):

Training a Hopfield network, which is akin to storing some information in the network, is a simple procedure. First, the size of the network is dictated by the number of bits of information you want to store. Let’s say that you want to store a 28x28 image. If you turn the image into a vector, it’ll be 784 bits long. So, you need 784 bidirectional neurons in your Hopfield network.

Of course, you don’t really need neurons: you just need the 784x784 matrix that gives you the weights of the connections between the neurons. In a Hopfield network, any given neuron doesn’t connect to itself. So, the diagonal of this weight matrix will be zero. Also, the weights are symmetric, meaning the weight for a connection going from the output of neuron i to the input of neuron j is the same as the weight of the connection going from the output of neuron j to the input of neuron i. This was one of Hopfield’s key insights! Weights are either +1 or -1.

The essence of a Hopfield network is that once you store some information, such that the outputs of the neurons taken together make up the memory, then that state is designed to be an energy minimum. If you now corrupt the memory, by setting the outputs of neurons to other values, then that raises the energy of the network. Its dynamics are such that the network will find its way to an energy minimum; if you read off the neurons now, you’d have retrieved the memory.

Here’s a series of prompts that begin with MNIST images, which are wonderful images to store and restore:

(Yann LeCun (Courant Institute, NYU) and Corinna Cortes (Google Labs, New York) hold the copyright of MNIST dataset, which is a derivative work from original NIST datasets. MNIST dataset is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license).

Prompt 1: Please write code to load the MNIST dataset and turn each image in that dataset into an image where each pixel is either 0 or 1, depending on whether the grayscale value in the original image is less than or equal to 120 or greater than 120, respectively


This code does the following:

  1. Imports necessary libraries: TensorFlow for loading the MNIST dataset, and NumPy for array operations.

  2. Loads the MNIST dataset using tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data().

  3. Defines a binarize_image function that takes an image and a threshold (default 120) and returns a binary version of the image.

  4. Applies the binarization to both the training and test sets using list comprehension.

  5. Prints the shapes of the original and binarized datasets to verify the operation.

  6. Includes an optional visualization step to display an original image and its binarized version side by side.

I noticed that the code was simply showing me the first image in the list. I wanted to select a digit based on its label. This needed additional prompting.

Prompt 2: These images have associated labels. Could you also provide a way to select an appropriate digit, such as 8 or 5, and plot only that?

If you look at the two rows of images shown above, it’s clear that the five images from MNIST and the five binarized images are different. It required further prompting to get the code to use the same set of five images.

Prompt 3: You are selecting different random indices for the original and binarized images. Make sure that the random indices are the same.

It’s clear that the code is working. The two sets of images shown above are of the same digits, one from MNIST and the other binarized. Now, I want to turn the binarized image with 0 and 1 for pixels, into images that have -1 and +1. I guess I could done it at one shot, but well…

Prompt 4:

Okay, now, create function to map the binarized images into images where 0 is -1 and 1 is 1.

Note: It’s worth looking at Claude’s response, because it “gets” the reason for the prompt!


Certainly! I'll create a function to map the binarized images from {0, 1} to {-1, 1}. This kind of mapping is often useful in machine learning applications, particularly when working with certain types of neural networks or algorithms that benefit from centered data.

Let's update our code to include this new functionality:

[Stuff here from Claude about the details of the coding changes]

This updated version allows you to visualize the original image, its binarized form, and the version mapped to {-1, 1} all at once. This can be particularly useful for understanding how the data is transformed at each step and how these transformations might affect downstream machine learning tasks.

Prompt 5: Now write code for a Hopfield Network that can store a mapped image. We should then be able to corrupt the mapped image using Gaussian noise, plot the corrupted image, and then give the corrupted image to the trained Hopfield Network, and have it retrieve the uncorrupted image. Plot what is retrieved.

This code generated an error. Instead of debugging it myself, I showed Claude the error and asked it to fix it.

Prompt 6: The code produces this error: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/Volumes/mydisc/Dropbox/BACKUP/Why Machines Learn/ChaptersNew/python/code/ai-assist/hopfield/", line 51, in <module>     (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data ^^ NameError: name 'tf' is not defined

The code worked! You can see the stored image (above left), the corrupted image in the center, and the retrieved image (above right). I now wanted the corrupted image to have more noise.

Prompt 7: Make the Gaussian noise stronger

You can see that the image in the center (above) is noisier. Yet, the Hopfield network retrieves the stored image. The next thing I did was to use a series of prompts to first generate an interactive user interface and then ask Claude to turn that code to be run inside a Jupyter notebook. Here are the prompts:

Prompt 8: Provide a button on the user interface to do the same process for another digit, and replace the plots for the new digit

Prompt 9: Can you only use matplotlib; don't use Flask or React and all that jazz.

Prompt 10: Can you turn the entire code into something that can run inside a Jupyter Notebook?

Claude generated the code.

The output of running the code inside the Jupyter Notebook was almost the same as what’s shown on the left. There were some changes. The Process New Digit button was above the images. Also, the code in the Jupyter Notebook generated two rows of such images, only one of which was updated when you press the Process New Digit button. I didn’t debug it further.

Sometimes you will see results like the one shown above. I changed the amount of Gaussian noise that was added to the image to corrupt it (tweaked the mean and standard deviation from (0, 1.5) to (2, 3.5)). The Hopfield network recovered a bit-flipped image: black became white and vice-versa. Can you figure out why? Think about energy minimums. For more detail, please have a look at Chapter 8 of WHY MACHINES LEARN.

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Anil Ananthaswamy Anil Ananthaswamy

The Monty Hall Problem: Could an LLM have convinced Paul Erdős?

Could a large language model have convinced one of the most prolific mathematicians—Paul Erdős—that he was wrong about his intuition about the Monty Hall Problem, as were so many others?

In WHY MACHINES LEARN, I begin the chapter on probability and statistics with a brief description of the Monty Hall Problem. But here’s how Claude 3.5 Sonnet answered when asked to describe it:

Prompt: Do you know the Monty Hall Dilemma?
Claude: Yes, I'm familiar with the Monty Hall Dilemma. It's a famous probability puzzle named after Monty Hall, the host of the television game show "Let's Make a Deal."

The basic scenario is:

  1. There are three doors. Behind one door is a prize (usually a car), and behind the other two doors are goats (or some other non-prize).

  2. The contestant chooses a door, but it isn't opened yet.

  3. The host, who knows what's behind all the doors, opens one of the other two doors, always revealing a goat.

  4. The host then offers the contestant the chance to switch their choice to the other unopened door.

The key question is: Should the contestant switch doors?

The counterintuitive correct answer is that the contestant should always switch doors, as it increases their chances of winning from 1/3 to 2/3.

You can read the chapter in WHY MACHINES LEARN for a thorough analysis of multiple ways of thinking about this problem, and why most of us get it wrong, because our reasoning often gets messed up in the presence of uncertainty. Erdős thought there’s no point in switching, because the probability of winning is 1/2 regardless. He was wrong.

In 1995, the Hungarian mathematician Andrew Vázsonyi used a computer program that ran 100,000 simulations of the game (where each trial involved making a choice about whether to switch or not), to show that you win 2/3rds of the time if you switch.

For WHY MACHINES LEARN, I too wrote some code to do the simulation and create an illustration (with due credit, for inspiration, to data scientist Paul van der Laken’s blog post on the same).

Could one use an LLM to do the same? Of course! This blog post is about the way you’d go about prompting an LLM.

But first, here’s the final output of my efforts at prompting Claude to generate an animation, depicting how the probability of winning converges to 2/3 if you switch, and to 1/3 if you don’t.

Animation of how probabilities converge to 1/3 and 2/3 over 10,000 trials of the Monty Hall Game

Here’s how you can use an LLM (I used Claude 3.5 Sonnet) to get it to simulate the game. You can tell that the LLM has most likely seen Paul van der Laken’s code during training, because the plot it generates is very much like his! I’m only showing the prompts and the outputs here, not the code.

Prompt: Do you know the Monty Hall Dilemma?
Claude: Yes, I'm familiar with the Monty Hall Dilemma. It's a famous probability puzzle named after Monty Hall, the host of the television game show "Let's Make a Deal."

The basic scenario is:

  1. There are three doors. Behind one door is a prize (usually a car), and behind the other two doors are goats (or some other non-prize).

  2. The contestant chooses a door, but it isn't opened yet.

  3. The host, who knows what's behind all the doors, opens one of the other two doors, always revealing a goat.

  4. The host then offers the contestant the chance to switch their choice to the other unopened door.

The key question is: Should the contestant switch doors?

The counterintuitive correct answer is that the contestant should always switch doors, as it increases their chances of winning from 1/3 to 2/3.


Can you write python code that simulates the game? It's a Monte Carlo simulation. Calculate the probability that the contestant wins when they choose to switch and when they choose not to switch, by running 10,000 trials. Then plot the odds of winning for either case (Y-axis) against the number of trials (X-axis)

Output: The graph produced by running the generated code i shown here.

Prompt: Please describe the code you generated using pseudo-code

Claude: Certainly! I'll describe the code using pseudo-code to give you a high-level overview of the algorithm and structure.

Pseudo-code for Monty Hall Simulation

This pseudo-code outlines the main structure and logic of the Monty Hall simulation:

  1. We define two main functions:

    • simulate_monty_hall_game: This simulates a single game of the Monty Hall problem.

    • run_simulation: This runs multiple trials of the game and calculates probabilities.

  2. In the simulate_monty_hall_game function:

    • We randomly select the prize door and the contestant's initial choice.

    • We determine which door the host opens (it must not be the prize door or the contestant's choice).

    • Based on whether the contestant switches, we determine their final choice.

    • We return whether they won or not.

  3. In the run_simulation function:

    • We run the specified number of trials, keeping track of wins for both switching and staying strategies.

    • For each trial, we calculate and store the current probability of winning for each strategy.

  4. In the main part of the script:

    • We run the simulation for 10,000 trials.

    • We plot the results, showing how the probabilities change as more trials are conducted.

    • We print the final probabilities for both strategies.

This pseudo-code captures the essence of the simulation without going

At this stage, I wanted Claude to generate a video file or a GIF, to show the probabilities changing with the number of trials. Again, it’s worth looking at the prompts to see how you might get to clean, working code that does what you want. I’m only showing the series of prompts here, and not their outputs.

Prompt: Great. Can you change the plot, so that it appears as an animation. Show the probabilities changing over a span of about 5 seconds, for a total of 10,000 trials

Prompt: The animation takes way too long to complete. Finish it in 5 seconds

Prompt: At the end, please save the animation as video file

Prompt: Running the code generates the following error; please fix it:

Saving animation as video file... MovieWriter ffmpeg unavailable; using Pillow instead. Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/", line 2390, in save     format = EXTENSION[ext]              ~~~~~~~~~^^^^^ KeyError: '.mp4'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/Volumes/mydisc/Dropbox/BACKUP/Why Machines Learn/ChaptersNew/python/code/ai-assist/prob/", line 67, in <module>'monty_hall_animation.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=20)   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1089, in save     with writer.saving(self._fig, filename, dpi), \   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/", line 144, in exit     next(self.gen)   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 245, in saving     self.finish()   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 515, in finish     self._frames[0].save(   File "/Users/anilananth/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/", line 2393, in save     raise ValueError(msg) from e ValueError: unknown file extension: .mp4

Claude: I apologize for the error. It seems that the ffmpeg writer is not available on your system, and Matplotlib is falling back to using Pillow, which doesn't support MP4 format. Let's modify the code to save the animation as a GIF instead, which should work with the Pillow writer. Here's the updated version:

Prompt: Please annotate the plot so that it shows the final probabilities after 10,000 trials

Prompt: Move the final probability labels to inside the bounding box of the plot

Prompt: Make the labels for the two probabilities BOLD font

The final GIF that appears above in this post is the final output of running the code generated by Claude after all the prompts.

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Anil Ananthaswamy Anil Ananthaswamy

From Rosenblatt to Claude

Getting a modern large language model to generate code to implement and visualize Frank Rosenblatt’s perceptron algorithm is in some way paying tribute to Rosenblatt’s visionary ideas. In 1958, he designed the first learnable artificial neurons and the first single-layer artificial neural networks. LLMs are descendants of those early networks. It’s particularly sweet to get an LLM to help us code/visualize Rosenblatt’s perceptron.

When I started writing WHY MACHINES LEARN, one of the first algorithms I coded for the book was the perceptron algorithm. I designed a simple, interactive user interface that would allow me select my data points on the 2D X-Y plane, so that I could visualize the algorithm as it tried to find a line separating two clusters of data.

The figures in the book are images generated using the same UI (using the Python plotting library matplotlib). I did all this sometime in late 2020, well before ChatGPT came on the scene, and certainly well before any LLM-based coding assistants such as CoPilot.

But it’s a different world now. As Harvard professor Boaz Barak said in a recent tweet: “Just realized that the next time I teach my ML foundations course, the primary programming language we use will likely be English. (Students will still need to know math, and be able to read model-generated python.)”

I have been thinking along the same lines: creating a Codebook for WHY MACHINES LEARN using code assistants, so that interested readers could read about the algorithms and basic mathematical ideas in WHY MACHINES LEARN and then prompt an LLM to generate the code and learn how the algorithms work in code, if they are so interested (I used Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the paid version; but I’m sure there are many open-source models out there that would do the job just as well).

This post is about the process of generating Python code, so that you can engage with the perceptron algorithm and see it working. Details of Rosenblatt’s work, the history and the math, etc., can be found in the first two chapters of WHY MACHINES LEARN.

Some lessons I learned regarding code generation: It really helps if you know exactly what you want, so that your prompts can be precise. You also need to be reasonably familiar with coding, to be able to understand the coding mistakes made by the LLM, so that you can ask it to correct the errors.

The first thing I did was take one of the images of the perceptron algorithm from the book, which shows a linearly separating hyperplane (in this case a line, as the data is 2D), dropping it into Claude’s context window, and giving it my first prompt (I find myself being weirdly polite while interacting with an LLM, hence the over-the-top usage of “please”!).


Please look at the image provided. Can you write code that does the following:

Provide a matplotlib interactive user interface that allows the user to click on a 2D graph. The first 5 clicks should be used for circles, the second 5 clicks should be used for triangles.

Output of Claude’s code

Claude generated code that worked without any errors. I was able to interact with the UI and select 10 data points, 5 for circles and 5 for triangles. But you can see that the plot doesn’t look exactly like what I asked for. So, I prompted it a little more, to create code that could generate a plot with solid lines for the axes, no bounding box, etc.

Output of Claude’s code

This is the output after a couple of iterations of simple prompting. Okay, close enough. Ideally, I should asked Claude to make the circles and triangles to have gray “fill”, but I can now work with this. So, I gave Claude a new prompt.

Prompt: Great. Now, once the user has finished clicking 10 times and generating the circles and triangles, when the user clicks next, use that input to kick off a perceptron algorithm, to find a straight line that separates the circles from the triangles. Once the perceptron finds the line, please draw the line

Output of Claude’s code

Okay. This was a big change. The code that Claude generated had significantly more functionality than the previous version which was simply allowing me to select the data points. This time, it’s actually implemented a perceptron algorithm and plotted the linearly separating hyperplane.

Next, I wanted to visualize in the form of an animation, where the output involved plotting some of the incorrect hyperplanes, and ending with the correct one. Getting this to work took some prompting. Below is the series of prompts that got it to work (I show only the important prompts; there were simple ones I haven’t included, to do with the look-and-feel of the UI which aren’t that important).

Prompt: Can you modify the code such that you draw every 3rd line the perceptron finds. Show the wrong lines as gray dotted lines, and the final correct line as a solid, black line. But plot it slowly, so that there is a 1-second delay between the plotting of each line.

Prompt: Something is not right. The code is creating a separate plot for each line. Please don't redraw the plot each time, but use the same canvas. It should seem like an animation.

Prompt: Also, for drawing the line, please use the same fig and ax you use for drawing the circles and triangles. This means your perceptron class will need extra arguments: to take in the fig and ax. Once you have the fig and ax inside the perceptron class, then use the artist to draw the line.

Prompt: Also, the code doesn't have a check to see if the perceptron has found a solution. Modify code to check if the perceptron has found a solution and then terminate the loop.

Prompt: Instead of drawing the perceptron's lines for every 3 iterations, do it for every iteration. Also, make the circles and triangles a little bigger.

Prompt: You removed the 1-second pause between drawing the perceptron's lines. Reintroduce the pause, but keep it to 0.5 seconds.

Prompt: So, everything is great, except for one detail. You have used values of 0 for circles and 1 for triangles, for the classification. The perceptron algorithm requires it to be -1 for circles and 1 for triangles. Can you redo the code with this change?

Prompt: After the perceptron has converged and you have drawn the black solid line, can you turn the entire sequence of lines drawn to convergence into a GIF file?

This is the final GIF generated by the Claude-generated code. The code allows you to select your data points, and it then uses the perceptron algorithm to find a line that separates the circles from the triangles.

For readers of WHY MACHINES LEARN: I’ll be writing a series of blog posts, detailing my attempts to generate code using Claude or some open-source code assistant (preferably). I think it’s a great way to learn both the conceptual and mathematical basics of machine learning—which is the subject of WHY MACHINES LEARN—and also learn how to use code assistants, inspect the generated code, and understand HOW the machines work, by seeing/coding the algorithms at work.

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